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Key Features

Self Paced Learning

Access to expansive content library with 2`000 hours of recorded classes

Live classes

Interactive classes taken by highly qualified/ specially trained teachers

Learn from Anywhere

We are available on Android and Web

Intensive practice

Topic-wise Exam Practice papers & Worksheets with Solution Key

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Revision assistance & Doubt Clearance

Competitive Exam Preparation

Rigorous Exam Prep along with Tips and tricks to ace competitive exams

Why choose Cloud-Tutors

  • Our courses are taught by IITians, NITians and well-trained subject experts, teaching students from all over the world.
  • Teachings done through experiments and demos
  • 5000 practice questions and previous year question papers for grade 8-10 Std
  • 30,000 practice questions and previous year question papers grade 11-12
  • Focus on conceptual understanding and higher order learning
  • Online quiz competitions and challenges
  • Dedicated academic mentor and relationship manager for support 
  • Career counseling

Physical Classes Also Available

In-person academic after school classes for 8-12 grade

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